Saturday 13 June 2015

How to lose weight fast

If you want to lose weight fast, starve yourself.

Now, if after reading that, you laughed or thought that I cannot be serious, the question you need to ask yourself is why did you think I was not being serious?

The reason is that you know that starving yourself is not healthy! And that is the exact problem with losing weight fast. If you try to lose weight fast, then not only are you setting yourself up for long term failure, you are going to harm your body in the process.

Losing weight fast means long term failure

Whether you lose weight by

  • Crash diet
  • Too much exercise
  • Fad diets

You will experience long term failure. You will regain the pounds you shed.

Crash diets, too much exercise, fad diets, and any other method which allows you to lose weight fast is unsustainable.

You will only be able to put up with such endeavors for a limited time before your will power gives and you return to your old habits leading to regaining all the weight you lost.

To be able to stick to crash diets, excessive exercise, and/or fad diets you need will power. But will power is just like a muscle. After exercising it to an extent you will fatigue it. Once fatigued it will give out, and you will fail to stick to such herculean efforts leading you to regain your lost weight.

Losing weight fast is not healthy

This one is a no brainer.  If you starve your body to lose weight or over do anything, such as exercise, to lose weight fast, you will harm your health.

You will deprive yourself of important nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. You will spike your stress hormone. All of this will lead you to wreck havoc on your body.

Fatigue will overtake you. 
Your mind will leave you. 
You will be unable to concentrate.

Depression will hit you like a speeding truck. Your obligations toward your family and boss will suffer.

Don't lose weight. Lose Fat

Another misconception people have is that one needs to lose weight! You do not want to lose weight. Rather, you want to lose fat.

Muscle weighs more than fat.

If you gain muscle but lose fat, there is a high possibility you will actually gain weight!
Yes. Gain muscle. Lose fat. And you may become heavier when you stand on the weighing machine. But now you are healthy.

On the other hand, you can lose weight by losing muscle while retaining fat. If this happens, you will look like the skinny dude with a pot belly and be at an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes as compared to the person who is obese. 

Your goal, therefore, is to lose fat not weight. Because fat loss does not always been you will lose weight. You can lose fat and maintain your current weight or, if you build muscle in the process, you can gain weight.

But it is not weight that matters. It is not your weight which makes you look fat. It is not your weight which is unhealthy.

It is the amount of fat you carry which is the problem.

How do you lose fat and not weight

If you want to lose weight you need to make sure that you

Preserve as much muscle as possible
Lose as much fat as possible

Preserve muscle: If you want to preserve muscle, you need to follow a high protein diet and strength train so that your body knows that it needs every inch of muscle and does not shed any of it.

Lose as much fat as possible: To lose fat you will need to burn more calories than you take in. Endurance type exercise combined with a proper diet plan will achieve this.

Thus, to lose fat - and not weight - you need to basically

  • Strength Train
  • Aerobic Exercise
  • Eat a high protein diet
  • Take things slowly
Taking things slowly is of utmost importance. If you try to shed pounds too fast, your body will becomes stressed. It will cause massive release of cortisol the stress hormone. This will pack on fat. You do not want this to happen. 

The purpose of this website is to help you lose fat. I named it weight loss because that is what people search for. They are misinformed as to what they need to lose!

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